Dr. Moutos is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology with subspecialty board certification in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Our phone system has been partially restored. Our new office phone number is 501-534-3764. Existing patients may use the patient portal to communicate with our staff. If you have a problem that needs immediate attention after regular office hours, at night, on a weekend or holiday, you should call the Medical Exchange at 501-663-1450 and have the doctor on call for Arkansas Fertility paged. We apologize for the inconvenience this phone outage has caused and appreciate your patience.
Arkansas Fertility & Gynecology would like to express our strong opposition to the recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling regarding the status of frozen human embryos created through IVF. The court ruled that, in the context of a wrongful death suit filed by an Alabama couple after their frozen embryos were accidentally destroyed in an IVF lab, a frozen IVF embryo has the same legal rights as a living child. This decision has tremendous implications for all couples who may need IVF in the future and for those who currently have frozen embryos. The Alabama ruling would potentially make physicians, IVF labs, hospitals and possibly the biologic parents subject to criminal wrongful death charges if their embryos were destroyed. Physicians will not want to risk criminal prosecution by freezing IVF embryos. The success rate of IVF will decrease and the cost will increase dramatically if we cannot freeze embryos. Furthermore, we anticipate some clinics will not offer IVF in such a legal environment. When a human life actually begins is a moral, philosophical and religious question and should not be decided by the courts. The Alabama decision is not based on scientific evidence.
The Alabama Supreme Court decision does not currently affect patients in Arkansas. However, we are concerned that other states, including Arkansas, may follow Alabama’s lead and attempt to enact legislation that assigns legal protection to frozen embryos. We encourage our patients to be proactive and contact their state representatives now and voice their opinion on this matter.
Arkansas Fertility & Gynecology is sad to report the sudden and unexpected death of our longtime medical assistant Amy Mantooth. Amy was a valuable part of our clinic team for the past 10 years. Amy’s positive attitude and smile touched all those around her. More important than her work, however, was her dedication as a single mother to her 4 children. The staff at Arkansas Fertility is heartbroken at this tragic loss. Please keep Amy and her children in your prayers.
Covid 19 Vaccination Recommendations for Pregnant Women and Those Attempting Pregnancy. Please click here to review.
As a result of the current Covid 19 pandemic and in order to protect our patients and staff, Arkansas Fertility & Gynecology has implemented some new guidelines. Please click here to review.
The compassionate team at Arkansas Fertility & Gynecology Associates provides state-of-the-art comprehensive infertility evaluation and treatment in a private practice setting
In addition to fertility treatments, we provide general gynecology care including annual exams, pap smears, contraceptive counseling and preventative healthcare.
We understand the personal nature of infertility and address each patient’s individual needs while providing the finest care available. Our board certified fertility specialists will work closely with you to gain an understanding of your situation and present you with options that fit your lifestyle, and your budget.
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My Fertility StoryThese smiling faces are one of the most rewarding parts of our job. View our gallery, or submit your own photos and story for a chance to be featured on our website and social media.
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Dr. Moutos is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology with subspecialty board certification in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Dr. Batres is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. He has received certification in advanced operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy from the Accreditation Council for Gynecologic Endoscopy.
Sarah has worked in the field of assisted reproductive technology for over 20 years. As an advanced practice nurse (APN), she is also available to see patients for routine gynecologic exams and preventative women’s health care.
“Thank you AFG! We have been a proud AFG ICSI family for 2.5 years! Our family is possible because of all of you!”
“After every storm there is a rainbow of hope!!!!! Thank you Dr. Batres & AFG for letting our dreams come true.”
Laura L
“I always recommend this clinic to those struggling with infertility. After 8 years we were able to have our miracle baby boy with the help of Dr. Batres, Dr. Moutus and staff, and we are forever grateful.”
Holly B
“Arkansas Fertility made our dreams possible! All the staff is caring and professional. We are forever grateful!”
Natalie C.
“During this time of year, we tend to reflect on all the blessings in our life. One blessing was given to me because of the help from you all! I LOVED coming to give the nurses a hard time and it made our ordeal a LOT easier due to your staff! Thank you for everything you have done for our family…this is our 3rd Christmas with our beautiful daughter!!”
“Dr. Batres gave us 2 beautiful girls! How often I think of him and his staff! Praise be unto God for doctors like him!”
We believe that infertility is a disease and should be treated as such. Our philosophy is to give our patients information, based on current scientific evidence, about their condition that will enable them to decide upon a treatment plan. We respect our patient’s autonomy in the decision making process and will work within each couple’s financial, moral and religious constraints to formulate a suitable treatment plan.
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